Delighted RoadmapHere's what we're working on in Q3. Have a feature you'd like to see? Click on "Share Feedback" above. Need more detail? Click on the tiles to learn more or to vote for your favorites!
✨ AI Smart Trends

AI supported Trend creation; slight data presentation tweak on Trends view.

Link-first onboarding (✅ Done)

Creating a new CX project? Don't worry about distribution right away. We'll keep platform select at the end of your onboarding experience to help get you focused on what matters - customization.

“Best Next Survey”

In-app recommendation system for the best next survey to build, based on what you've built already.

Shopify Checkout Integration

Integrate Delighted surveys into your checkout experience within Shopify (eg. How Did You Hear About Us?)

Single Stream Onboarding

Use case-driven onboarding. We'll emphasize the most popular use cases on Delighted, and accelerate you through almost all of the onboarding steps.

Single Page Customization (✅ Done)

We'll be consolidating all your survey customization + look & feel adjustment in one place. No more clicking back-and-forth!

OAuth support

Introducing OAuth support for Delighted CX

✨ AI Recommended Questions - Follow-up

Reviewing + incorporating customer feedback following the first quarter of AI recommended questions.

General CX onboarding updates

Handful of other product improvements are on the way for CX onboarding - we'll post those here as they come up!

Multiple questions per page (✅ Done)

Support for multiple Surveys questions on a single page (to be supported alongside the single question per page, sequential UX for Surveys)

Gorgias integration

Bi-directional integration with Gorgias

Capture CX project name as default property / pass to syncing integrations

Capture CX project name as default property to better support multi-project programs in their use of syncing integrations

Cross-Project: CX Projects Index, Combined Scores/Metrics, and Global Throttle

Enabling users to understand all account activity + configuration at a glance vs. toggling into each Project.

Web preview, pre-publish

Ability to preview, prior to publishing, the Web experience for a given survey.

Sign In / Sign Up pages

Revamping our sign up / sign in pages for and improved user experience when accessing any Delighted product.

Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding checklist for new users to rapidly expose key features in a personalized way.

Projects nav dropdown

Creating parity in our CX top nav with My Surveys index on the Delighted Surveys' product.

Email Digest updates (✅ Done)

Updating Delighted CX digests to include a wider range of metrics and design updates.

Mobile app sign-up/cancel

Option to sign up for Delighted via mobile, as well as cancel via mobile. iOS only.

Question/answer filtering

Ability to filter on the Surveys product based on survey question.

Reporting: Over time report broken out by Properties, Trends, Tags, and AQs

Overlay reporting on the CX product to view longitudinal comparisons between values for properties, trends, and AQs.

Domain matching for new users - Team accounts

If a team member signs up and your company already has an account (based on matching domain), your team member will be able to request access to the existing account.

Onboarding Checklist
Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding checklist for new users to rapidly expose key features in a personalized way.