Delighted RoadmapHere's what we're working on in Q3. Have a feature you'd like to see? Click on "Share Feedback" above. Need more detail? Click on the tiles to learn more or to vote for your favorites!
Properties support for Surveys (✅ Done)

Introducing support for properties on Delighted Surveys.

Display Additional Questions in email digest (✅ Done)

View your Additional Question responses right in your inbox as part of our refreshed email digest.

Display Additional Questions on dashboard (✅ Done)

Ability to display responses to Additional Questions on Dashboard tiles for responses where comment page is skipped

Web platform for Surveys (✅ Done)

Web-based distribution method for Delighted Surveys.

Tabs for Surveys index (✅ Done)

Effectively categorize your surveys - keeping the most active surveys top-of-mind!

Include new survey type tile for Surveys (✅ Done)

Interim solution to surface Surveys as a Survey Type option while we fully revamp the CX onboarding flow.

Clickable response tiles for CX (✅ Done)

Response tiles are clickable and expand the detailed permalink page.

Annual allotment plans (✅ Done)

Launching annual plans with a bucket of volume to be used as needed over the entire year vs. a per month basis.

Android SDK Launch (✅ Done)

Launching Delighted's Android SDK.

Update API Version for Klaviyo integration (✅ Done)

Klaviyo is deprecating their v1/v2 API endpoints on June 30, 2024; Delighted will update the integration endpoints to maintain integration functionality.

Web platform for Surveys (✅ Done)
Web platform for Surveys (✅ Done)

Web-based distribution method for Delighted Surveys.